
Who are you, what do you do, and what would you do?

If you read this please answer the following questions.

1. Why do you read this feed?
2. What is your profession?
3. What is your age?
4. What would you do with a million dollars?

I'll go first. I write this blog in order to find the best ways to make a million dollars and share the resources with anyone who is curious. Making a million dollars is a goal I have and I believe many other people share. I want to share my trials and errors to help others reach their goals. I am a health care professional. I'm a registered nurse. I'm 27. I believe that anyone can make a million dollars if they are determined to. In three days I started to make money, and now there is a pretty steady stream coming in. The key now is to accelerate the process and the amount that comes in without putting more and more time into writing. I know the next step would be to set up a dot-com website and start to sell products, and do a lot more referrals and affiliate programs. Currently I've put no money into this project and I do not intend to yet. If I had a million dollars, I would donate some to charity, invest some, travel, write, play music, and buy a farm (with some animals) raise boxer dogs and grow corn (that's my retirement plan). Basically keep everything the same except the farm.


  1. 1. Why do you read this feed? cause i have to for 2 weeks
    2. What is your profession? internet marketing
    3. What is your age? 24
    4. What would you do with a million dollars? go back to work

    - noah

  2. Anonymous3:27 PM

    1. Why do you read this feed? I just came across your blog listed in the "Top 100 Blogs to Read in 2007" on
    2. What is your profession? Pretty much a Jill of all trades.
    3. What is your age? 38
    4. What would you do with a million dollars? Invest it all.

  3. Anonymous3:31 PM

    Why do you read this feed? Because I'm hungry for knowledge.

    2. What is your profession? Computer support.

    3. What is your age? 29

    4. What would you do with a million dollars? Make it grow.


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