

How to make a million dollars. I don't make your life, I make your life better. This blog focuses on saving, investing, creating wealth and increasing net worth. The personal finance blog of a young professional with the goal of saving 1 million dollars for retirement.

The mission of How to make a million dollars is to provide you with the tools you need to succeed in business and in life. We offer refreshing original content to motivate and inspire your success. Our goal is to help you reach your monetary goals and improve your life. Join the movement towards fiscal responsibility and pay down debts, live within your means, delay gratification, and save for your dreams. Share your shortcomings and triumphs with like minded individuals who share the same goal of financial independence.

I started this blog in 2006 to help keep track of finances and share the things I learned, by reading other financial blogs and websites. I pay off my credit card every month, pay a mortgage, own a car, and have no school loans (right now). I'm always trying to think of ways to increase my earning potential, and accelerate my wealth accumulation. My goal is to save 1 million dollars for retirement which is a very attainable goal, considering I'm socking away 15% of my salary each year into a 401K. I hope to save enough money to be able to support myself on interest and dividends. I recently started dabbling in stocks with mixed results, but hope to improve my skills to take myself off the treadmill and onto a yacht. I plan to start a 10 different companies. My goal is to create at least one hugely successful business, which I could then sell or take public.

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